If you have a cat, dog or any other pet in your family, you are most certainly going to take consider their needs when planning to buy a house in Abbotsford. Even though these furry cuties may appear to be easygoing in nature, nevertheless, certain localities and homes are more pet-friendly as compared to the others.
Below are a few questions to ask whenever looking for a home. Always bear them in mind to seek a place where both you and your pet can stay happily.
1. What are the pet laws here?
Even if you own a certain property, it’s still not confirmed whether pets are welcomed there or not. Based on the breed and number, there may be certain rules and regulations that you need to abide by. Get in touch with the authorities to verify the pet laws in your city and state. In case, you have a breed that tends to bark loudly, don’t forget to check if there are any kinds of enforced noise ordinances in your area.
2. Is fencing around your yard permitted?
The concept of having a yard wherein your pets can play and roam freely definitely sounds great! However, do not forget that if you want to keep pets at your home, and you are planning to do fencing around your yard, the city rules may or may not allow it.
3. Is your neighborhood safe for your pets to roam about?
Having dogs as your pets can be tricky. They need a good area to walk every day. This implies getting a home that is at close proximity to the park, trail, green belt or dog run. Nevertheless, even if your dog does not mind commuting a long distance, take into consideration the sidewalk situation for your dog to litter every day.
Be watchful when it comes to picking a location that is on busy road since if your pets have a habit of going out of the home on their ownto roam, traffic can be dangerous for them. Even the cat owners must consider the local wildlife when looking for an ideal Abbotsford home for sale. In a few neighborhoods, being at a close proximity to green belts may imply being closer to foxes and/or coyotes, which tend to hunt down small critters.
4. Does the property have pet-friendly flooring?
A pet-friendly floor is a major problem. Flooring specialists encourage using a hardwood floor as it can easily be refinished when damaged and the experts also recommend to look for very light or extremely dark-colored wood, and thereafter sealing it with best-quality polyurethane.
Other preferred flooring alternatives are poured concrete, ceramic tiles, deluxe vinyl, or even laminated flooring.
So, what is not as beneficial as the ones mentioned above for your pets?Wall-to-wall carpeting. Carpeting is not ideal for re-sale purposes and even tend to emit weird odor after sometime.
5. Does the property have a pet-friendly floor system?
Take into account the specifications and structure of the property in case you have a large pet dog or a number of dogs.
You’ll be really fed up with your home in no time in case you’re tripping over your dog all the time.
Is the property large enough for your dog's breed? Is there sufficient area for a comfy dog bed or even a cat tree? In case you happen to be cutting back, you must take note of how a more restrictive space can stress your furry friend.
6. Will your pets be able to manage the stairway?
In case, you are seeking out a multilevel home, think about whether or not your pets are going to be OK with the staircase, especially as they grow older.
When dogs age, they have a tendency to have joint troubles that often makes it hard for them to use steps.
Should you choose a multilevel property, try to find a place, which has a carpet runner on the stairway, or be prepared to set up one.
We at http://findabbotsfordhomes.ca/ have a lot of exclusive yet affordable homes for sale in Abbotsford.Check out our latest listings and the best home in Abbotsford can now be yours.